The David Graeber Institute in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The David Graeber Institute (DGI) is planing to build a graduate program offering a range of interdisciplinary curricula in the arts and social sciences combined with a dedicated climate change program. Scheduled to open in 2027 in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, will be holding face-to-face sessions two times a year for about four weeks and operate online the rest of the time.

DGI’s approach to education is, above all, horizontal knowledge production, a mutual exchange between students and faculty, anti-colonial, inclusive of local knowledge, and committed to expanding the traditional academic structure to the widest possible non-academic audience. Programs offered at DGI include anthropology, cultural and decolonial studies, as well as a Climate Change program. A fundamental aspect of the program is the crossroads of science and humanity studies.

DGI plans to create an academic institution that will provide faculty members maximum freedom to pursue collaborative projects not only with students but also with the general public. To this end, the institute will encourage projects related to the life of residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, such as the annual carnival. Still, it will especially focus on the practical aspects of dealing with the negative effects of climate change.

One of the distinctive features of DGI is its roster of notable faculty, including prominent intellectuals, philosophers, artists, and scholars from around the world. These faculty members deliver lectures, conduct seminars, and engage in discussions with students, providing them with a rich intellectual environment that encourages critical thinking and creative exploration.

DGI plans to offer a master’s degree program that runs for two years and involves a combination of coursework, independent research, and writing a master’s thesis. The language of instruction at DGI is primarily English.

DGI plans to attract a diverse group of students worldwide, creating a multicultural and intellectually stimulating environment. Twenty percent of its students will be local to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as will at least 20 percent of DGI staff. It plans to attract faculty from from Indonesia to Eastern Europe, China to the Caribbean.

Student Life offers biannual co-habitation of students and faculty at St. Vincent in a designated space focused on establishing close interaction that will include participation in vibrant dialogues prepared with faculty, artistic projects related to theatrical and carnival events, and music projects related to Caribbean culture and cultural exchange.

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