New mentions of “The Ultimate Hidden Truth of the World…”
Published on: December 19 / 2024
We are proud to announce that the new book has been mentioned on various platforms across the internet.
- The New York Times Book Review included a “Newly Published” report about the book, their equivalent of Briefly Noted. It is wonderful to see this book represented in both the daily arts section as well as the book review.
- The Boston Globe included a mention of the book in a ‘new books roundup’ (printed version).
- Counterpunch mentions the collection here.
- And the great Brooklyn indie bookstore Greenlight Books included a lovely recommendation in one of their holiday recommendations emails. The recommendation comes from their owner, Jessica Stockton-Bagnulo. Click here to read the email.
Quote from the email:
“…. it’s always worth reading anything from the incredibly original mind of the late David Graeber (the author of Debt and one of the icons of the Occupy movement). These essays might genuinely spark an epiphany about how “the way it’s always been” is not the same as “the way it has to be”, and are sure to provide fuel for many an enriching conversation about inequality, technology, democracy, art, power, and lots more.”