Caring reading group
The David Graeber Institute is pleased to announce the resumption of the Reading Group on Care. The inaugural session will take place on 19th November 2023.
In 2020, David Graeber and several LSE students set up a reading group devoted to the themes of care and caring. The aim of this group was to create a space for discussion and reflection on work that was then (and still is) little integrated into the classic corpus of anthropological teaching. Between February and May 2020, around ten people met in the Seligman Library (now the Old Anthropology Library) to discuss, for two hours, works at the crossroads of radical feminism and the anthropology of care.
With Elke Krasny, author and curator.
Elke Krasny is a curator, cultural theorist, urban researcher, and writer. Recent works include:
Living with an Infected Planet: COVID-19, Feminism, and the Global Frontline of Care, Transcript, 2003.