Michael Hudson Lecture series / Money, Debt & and how they shape our collective political imagination
On April 4th, Michael Hudson will address questions raised during his previous talk at the David Graeber Institute.
This discussion is part of the Michael Hudson Lecture Series, which explores the nature of money and how today’s political landscape drives a profound economic shift. As the long-standing tenets of neo-liberal capitalism crumble, we must ask: What comes next?
This event will also mark the launch of the development of the DGI’s online educational platform, which will feature regular lectures—starting with Professor Hudson—and a collaborative effort to develop a media wiki with online commentary on David Graeber’s key texts, incorporating parts of his unpublished archive.
As part of this initiative, Professor Hudson will lead a short course that offers students an opportunity to refine their understanding of debt as a historical force. Excerpts from unpublished notebooks by David Graeber will also be available and serve as reference points for discussion and research, alongside Professor Hudson’s own work.
The course will consist of four online lectures starting in May, that will be conducted in group formats. Select excerpts will be published online.
Register here.