Brain Trust is founded on a number of principles:

  • The climate crisis is already here
  • The government will not help us.
  • We, who lack the resources to build a sanctuary in New Zealand or a floating island in the ocean, must create the technologies and communities to survive the coming crisis.
  • The technologies that can prevent social collapse already exist. Humanity has the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to grow food, insolate buildings, produce alternative energy, heal and educate each other in local communities without the involvement of giant conglomerates and international corporations.

It seems that the greatest need today is to bring all this knowledge together and train enough people to use it.

This is what the Brain Trust is all about.

The Brain Trust project, which consists of 12 lectures, will be followed by a series of artistic and media initiatives.
We are working on a set of workshops, a script for a TV show (and so far, an illustrated novel), documentary series, dinners and other initiatives.

If you’d like to join us, please email us!

Rowley way

The David Graeber Institute’s Brain Trust project is based in Rowley Way, an icon of social architecture, a utopia that is actually working. Rowley Way, populated at 75 % by lower income residents and migrants, is the best place to find an optimistic exit scenario from climatic and political crises.

Here’s a short video about Rowley Way (also known as Alexandra Road Estate) by Joris Lechene:

Press Enquiries
